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200명 이상 연구자들에게 논문 분석 ,컨설팅과
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- Comparison of MultiColor fundus imaging and colour fundus photography in the evaluation of epiretinal membrane.
- Longitudinal Pure-Tone Threshold Changes in the Same Subjects: Analysis of Factors Affecting Hearing.
- Quantitative analysis of background parenchymal enhancement in whole breast on MRI: Influence of menstrual cycle and comparison with a qualitative analysis.
- Silent Changes in Sleep Quality Following Mandibular Setback Surgery in Patients with Skeletal Class III Malocclusion: A Prospective Study.
- Changes in facial temperature measured by digital infrared thermal imaging in patients after transnasal sphenopalatine ganglion block: Retrospective observational study.
- Conditions for laryngeal mask airway placement in terms of oropharyngeal leak pressure: a comparison between blind insertion and laryngoscope-guided insertion.
- Can we predict when to start renal replacement therapy in patients with chronic kidney disease using 6 months of clinical data?
- Comparison of sevoflurane and desflurane on effect-site concentration of remifentanil for preventing anesthetic emergence cough in elderly female patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
- Multidelay Arterial Spin-Labeling MRI in Neonates and Infants: Cerebral Perfusion Changes during Brain Maturation.
- Effects of age on effect-site concentration of remifentanil for suppressing anesthetic emergence cough in male patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
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